All deposits are non-refundable.
If you cancel your holiday
You are allowed to cancel your holiday at any time, but the cancellation must come in writing (email) and from the lead name of the booking. Will be effective on the date the written is received.
Below you can find our cancellation policy in the case your holidays were paid in full at the booking day.
Up to 90 days prior arrival date: 50% refunded
From 89 to 60 days prior arrival date: 30% refunded
Less than 59 days prior arrival date: No refund will be made
If we cancel your holiday
In the event that the unit becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation. We will endeavour to offer you alternative accommodation of a similar or higuer standart. In the case you do not accept any suitable alternative, you will be asked to confirm this in writing and the booking fee will be refunded to you in full.
Information in the event of a pandemic, epidemic or force majeure
If you have a confirmed reservation with us and are unable to travel due to Spanish Government restrictions on travel and have paid the full amount of the reservation, we will offer you a change of dates within 12 months after the arrival of the original reservation or a voucher reservation if you cannot confirm the dates at this time to use within the 12 month period from the original reservation date, or a refund of the paid payments for your reservation.
If you have a Confirmed reservation with us and at the start date of your reservation, the Spanish government have not closed borders, but your government declared that it is prohibited to travel,and have paid the full amount of the reservation, we will accept a change of dates within 12 months from the original reservation arrival date or we will offer a voucher if you cannot confirm the dates at this time for use within the 12 month period from the original reservation date.
However, if both the Spanish government and your government allow travel and you decide not to travel or your flight has been canceled or if your country of residence indicates that you must quarantine yourself upon return, or you have a positive COVID-19 test the standard terms and conditions of the reservation will be maintained as stated and indicated when you confirmed the booking.
We recommend to all clients that they must have adequate travel insurance from the moment of booking and that they take into account any unforeseen event.
*Please note that if there is a price difference on the new dates chosen, you will be asked to pay the difference with the previous reservation.